Can You See Maui in 1 Day?

The short answer is no. Maui is a surprisingly big island and most of the fun things to do are spread across the island. Read on or watch the video above to see our quick adventure.

We Didn’t Expect Such a Delay

We ran into an issue where our flight to Maui from Oahu was delayed by 30 minutes so that cut into our 24 hour trip.

There were so many people ahead of us waiting to get their cars as well

Then, the rental car pickup took nearly 2 hours as they were understaffed and there appeared to be a car shortage.

But after that, we were finally on our way.

The Costco Food Trucks

Starting our adventure at a food truck near the Costco in Kahului, we fueled up with some delicious Thai food including drunken noodles with tofu, mac salad, and Thai tea.

Shrimp from the Geste Shrimp Truck

We also tried some unique island treats like shrimp, fried poke, and a coconut (with electrolytes).

Fried Poke from Kahiau’s Poke Truck

We ended up visiting this spot twice since we were short on time. Definitely recommended.

Clear Kayaking in Maui

One of the activities we did during our brief time in Maui was a clear kayak experience. We drove from Kahului to Kihei, which was a bit of a drive, but well worth it. We were up by 6am, left the hotel by 6:30am and arrived around 7am for our scheduled appointment.

We rented a clear kayak and spent two hours exploring the beautiful blue waters of Maui.

The clear kayaks allowed us to see the ocean and marine life beneath us, which was truly an unforgettable experience. (The clear bottom wasn’t completely clear and a little foggy so don’t expect it to be crystal clear).

Clear Kayaks of Maui

It was definitely on the pricey side, costing roughly $300 for two hours of kayaking, but the stunning views and unique experience made it worth the expense.

We paddled along the shoreline and saw schools of fish swimming beneath us. The clear bottom of the kayak allowed us to see them up close and personal.

The water was crystal clear and mostly calm, which made the kayaking experience smooth and enjoyable.

It was definitely one of the highlights of our short trip.

Overall, while the clear kayak experience was a bit expensive and required some driving, it was an amazing way to see Maui from a different perspective.

If you’re looking for a unique and memorable activity to do in Maui, clear kayaking is a must-try.

While we did see a small part of Maui, it’s important to note that 22 hours is not enough time to truly experience everything the island has to offer.

Maui is very large and the clusters of things to do are far apart making it time-consuming to travel around. Although it may be tempting to try and see it all in one day, it’s not a recommended option.

Moreover, overnight lodging on the island is very expensive, usually a minimum of $300 per night (this is how much we paid for the Maui Beach Hotel in Kahului).

It’s better to plan ahead and budget more time and money for your trip to Maui.

That way, you can enjoy all the activities and sights without feeling rushed and overwhelmed.

Maui is a beautiful island that offers an array of activities and sights to see.

While it may be possible to see some of it in one day, it’s not enough time to truly experience the island.

It’s best to plan ahead, budget more time and money, and enjoy all the sights and sounds that Maui has to offer.

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