Katsu Sando in San Gabriel: Not Just For Sandwiches

You know that feeling when you’re craving a sandwich, but not just any sandwich?

That’s what we were feeling when we headed to Katsu Sando in San Gabriel.

Diving into the World of Katsu Sando

Imagine biting into a cloud, but this cloud has layers of flavors waiting to be discovered.

That’s the Katsu Sando for you. The bread, toasted to a golden hue, felt like the comforting embrace of an old blanket, while the fillings were the exciting tales whispered under it.

Among the varieties we tried, the shrimp and honey walnut sandwich (the Shrimp Baby) was like a symphony of sweet and crunchy notes.

It’s like listening to your favorite song on a road trip – familiar yet exhilarating. However, for those who prefer ballads over pop tunes, this might lean a tad too sweet.

And then there was the egg salad sandwich. The creaminess of the egg juxtaposed with the crispiness of the bread is excellent but a tad pricey at $6.95.

The Kakigori That Might Be the Best Shaved Ice in SGV

If Katsu Sando was the main act, the shaved ice was the encore everyone waited for.

Made from ice imported directly from Japan, this wasn’t just dessert; it was like diving into a snow-covered mountain on a hot summer day.

Refreshing, exhilarating, and topped with a coconut cream that felt like the cherry on top of a perfect day.

You Should go to Katsu Sando If…

If you’re someone who:

  • Seeks comfort in the arms of Japanese flavors.
  • Not afraid of trying elevated food items that are typically cheaper elsewhere
  • Is always on the hunt for that perfect dessert chapter (and you love shaved ice)

A Few Pro-Tips:

  • Parking: Parking here is a challenge. You can park outside of the lot on the residential streets or just outside the plaza.
  • Sweetness Level: Some dishes, like the Shrimp Baby, might feel like a sugar rush. So, choose your adventure based on your sweet-tooth level.

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