Uncovering Santa Monica’s 626 Night Market Mini: Is It Worth the Hype?

Have you ever been excited to go to an amusement park, only to find out that it’s just a few kiddie rides and a cotton candy stand?

That’s what our experience at the 626 Night Market Mini in Santa Monica felt like.

While it had its charm and a few delicious bites, the size and prices left me feeling a little, well, shortchanged.

The 626 Night Market Mini is like the younger sibling of the main 626 Night Market in Arcadia.

It’s smaller, more compact, and has fewer options.

But like a younger sibling, it still has its charm.

The great thing about this mini-market is that it’s dog-friendly and has no entrance fee, so you can bring your furry friends and stroll through without spending a dime – unless, of course, you decide to try some of the food.

As we ventured through the market, we found some familiar faces from the Arcadia market, like the Yakitori stand, pork belly buns, and even the baby bottle drinks.

But one thing that stood out like a sore thumb was the lack of Boba. I mean, it’s like going to a pizza place and finding out they don’t serve pepperoni – it’s just not right!

The food options were limited, and the prices were, well, pricey.

We ended up spending $82 at the mini-market, which is more than we spent at the larger Arcadia market. But it wasn’t all bad.

We found some delicious treats like the pork belly buns, which were juicy and flavorful, and the Ube/Oreo dessert that was pillowy soft with just the right amount of sweetness.

Now, let’s talk about the baby bottle drinks.

At $25 a pop, they seemed a bit steep.

But with a little Asian ingenuity, we came up with a hack – buy a medium or large drink, take home the free refill card, wash the bottle, and bring it with you to Arcadia for a free refill. (If you’ve tried this, let us know).

As the day wore on, the lines got longer, and the crowd grew denser.

If you’re planning to visit the mini-market, make sure to come early to beat the rush. Also, be prepared to shell out some cash, as the food options aren’t exactly cheap.

So, was the 626 Night Market Mini in Santa Monica worth it?

Well, it depends. If you’re in the area and looking for a free, dog-friendly event to hang out at, then sure.

But if you’re craving a more substantial, diverse, and reasonably-priced food experience, We’d recommend taking a little drive to the Arcadia market instead.

In conclusion, the 626 Night Market Mini in Santa Monica is like a snack-sized candy bar – it’s enjoyable, but it leaves you wanting more.

If you’re looking for a taste of the night market experience without the full commitment, then this might be the place for you.

Just remember, sometimes bigger really is better – especially when it comes to food markets. Happy eating!

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